March 3, 2013

Terrorists and Facebook

"They come from all backgrounds, countries, RELIGIONS, and nationalities!  A terrorist does NOT represent the whole of a people, place, religion which they associate with.

I find that when people cast blame on a certain group of people it's usually because they are afraid of what they will see when  they look in the mirror."

I wrote this post on my Facebook page.  Sadly, it only got one "like",  A far cry from the number of "likes" the post that sparked MY post received.  It seems that people here in the West, (my family was my cousin's post that infuriated me) believe that the only terrorists in the world look like the ones in Western news stories, and in Western movies.

This could not be further from the truth.  They always seem to forget the terrorists that come in other forms, the ones that come in business suits and fancy cars.

Posts like this on Facebook, and the ideals behind them, are exactly the reason I decided to create this blog.  To have a platform for my "wayward", only one "like" worthy, ideas.  I have never been prouder to be me.

-Tenacious T. 


  1. This is awesome. I wish more people here in the west would speak out against stereotyping, especially when it comes to something as major as calling an entire group of people terrorists. We need to learn to think for ourselves instead of blindly believing whatever the media tells us. I wish more people had your open-mindedness and courage :)

  2. FreelyEnslaved I could not agree more! And I also wish that people were more open-minded and courageous. It is frustrating that I can't get people to understand or see what I see.
